+30210-5555732 | +306944-444528 info@metalmandras.com

Our Goals

The vision gives each company a destination, a direction, indicates a desire, the ultimate goal, what a company wants to be. But as the theory needs practice, every vision needs strategy. The vision of METALLOURGIA MANDRAS S.A is to reach the top in Steel and PVC pipe industry. Proper resource management, appropriate investments and partnerships, the take-up of new modern technologies and the best possible use of human resources are some of the ways to achieve this vision.

Strategic Goals

The strategic goals of METALLOURGIA MANDRAS S.A concern the investigation of the market horizon through the optimization of competitiveness. In this strategic context, individual objectives are the expansion of the Company’s activities in new markets and investing in research and development of innovative products. The company by realizing its goals strengthens its market position and increases its competitive advantages, while acquiring flexibility to exploit any opportunities that arise.


Business Targets

METALLOURGIA MANDRAS SA exhibits large production capacity and continuous improvement of product quality. The company throughout its development constantly discovers ways, methods, strategies and tactics to achieve short and long-term goals. The main focus of development is to optimize the competitiveness and thereby expand the company’s purchasing horizon.

Meeting the targets is performed through organic but strategic advantages. The key factor remains the need for high quality products and full use of production capacity of the company. The company strengthens its position in the market by setting goals and implementing them and creates competitive advantages. At the same time, METALLOURGIA MANDRAS SA acquires flexibility and takes full advantage of the opportunities presented.


Long-term Targets

  • Increase market share in Greece, Cyprus, Africa and the Balkans through organic and strategic growth.
  • Strengthen the company’s name and products in the market.
  • Research, development and production of new products.
  • Assurance of stable and repetitive quality.

Short-term Targets

  • Improvement of creativity and production efficiency through continuous upgrading of machinery.
  • Reduction of operating costs.
  • Use of renewable energy.
  • Preservation of the employment rate and continuous improvement of working conditions, the working environment and productivity.
  • Maximization of benefit from investments in processes, systems and high-tech equipment.

Espa 2020

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